

Excellent Surgical Care and Extensive Aftercare

페이지 정보

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Dear VIP Team,

We had a wonderful visit to Seoul, all due to your professionalism, excellent surgical care, and extensive of after takecare. We were really impressed by our entire experience with VIP, from our initial contact with Lynn earlier this year, through our first meetings with Dr. Lee and Dr. Song, to the care provided by Dr. Park, Mrs. Kim, Joann, Sue and the nurses and theoreticians. We felt confident that we were  in capable hands every step of the way.

We look forward to recommending VIP to others who are considering the plastic surgery in South Korea, and we would be happy to serve as a personal reference to any Americans who would like to ask about our experience.


Thanks, too, for picking us up from the airport, treating us to a delicious Korean dinner our first night home and letting us stay in the apartment for our whole visit, The apartment living in such a great location gone us a flavor for living in Seoul that we wouldn’t have gotten from a hotel. Your generosity made us feel really prepared!

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This website provides the plastic surgery based on the theoretical knowledge and our wide experiences. No contents contained herein may be used as substitutes for direct consultation. © 2016 VIP International Plastic Surgery Center. All Rights Reserved